Saturday, April 21, 2007

Who am I?

My name is Mohammed Al Haj, I was born in Abu Dhabi in 1987 "So I'm 19 years old ", I finished my high school in 2002 and now I'm a student in Higher Colleges of Technology in Abu Dhabi and this is my second year "Common Year" and hopefully will graduate in about 2 years from now. I'm planning to study Mechanical Engineering because I feel that I'm interested in this major and I was told that it's an easy major. I setup this blog because it’s a part of our common year English projects and it’s talking about the causes and effects of the global warming .

My personality: Witty, charming, talkative, fun to be with, clever,
understanding, sensitive and forgiving “You will find out more about me in the future” .

BTW my birthday is on 17/June "Don't forget to get me some gifts ".

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming
is an increase in the temperature of the Earth and it has become one of the most dangerous threats to human existence. There is more carbon dioxides in the atmosphere than ever before and this carbon stays in the atmosphere and act like a blanket and holds in the heat. Nowadays, the problem has reached dangerous limits but we can still fix this problem by many ways. Although we have economic growth, and the pollution is increasing, we can stop the pollution by trying to stop the economic growth and it’s not impossible. We have to work hard to stop the global warming from spreading and to save our planet, this is a movement about change, as individuals and as a global community and all of us need to be part of the solution.

Here's a PowerPoint presentation which included 10 pictures about the global warming for the students to avoid plagiarism of pictures.

"Click here to download the presentation!"

Friday, April 20, 2007

Causes of Global Warming

I think that we are the reason behind Global Warming, people are trying to fulfill their needs without thinking about the damage that they’re causing to the earth. We need to keep our sights clear and understand that global warming is one of the biggest geological threats to human existence and try to stop it. There are many causes of Global Warming, I’ll mention some causes and I’ll pick one of them and talk about it.

1. Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants
2. Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars
3. Carbon Dioxide from Trucks
4. Carbon Dioxide from Airplanes
5. Carbon Dioxide from Buildings
6. Methane
7. Nitrous oxide
8. Deforestation
9. City Gridlock
10. Carbon in Atmosphere and Ocean

As you can see, I mentioned ten causes of Global Warming and I’m going to talk about the Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars.

About 20% of carbon dioxide emissions come from the burning of gasoline in cars engine and light trucks. The vehicles with poor gas mileage contribute the most to Global Warming, for example, the new Dodge sport vehicles with 5.9-liter engine, which gets 12 miles per gallon in the city, will emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide over a distance of 500 city miles. So as we all know that carbon dioxide has been rising since the invention of steam engines because they depends on burning coal, oil and natural gases to power them and these fuel resources are causing a huge amount of carbon dioxides which obviously cause Global Warming.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Effects of Global Warming

As we all know that the causes of global warming will affect people and the earth. The main effect of global warming is increasing in the global average temperature, and there are many other effects of Global Warming such as rising sea levels, increased extreme weather events and spread of diseases. I divided the effects into categories and I’ll mention some of them and then I’ll pick one of the effects from one of the categories to talk about:

1. Effects on weather

-More extreme weather
-Increased evaporation
-Cost of more extreme weather
-Destabilization of local climates

2. Oceans

-Sea level rise
-Temperature rise
-Shutdown of thermohaline circulation
-Ecological productivity
-Glacier Retreat

3. Economic

-Effects on agriculture
-Flood defense
-Northwest Passage
-Water scarcity

4. Health

-Direct effects of temperature rise
-Spread of disease
-Impacts of glacier retreat

Now, I’m going to talk about one of the Effects on Oceans “Sea level rise”.

From 3000 years ago to the start of the 19th century, sea level was almost constant, rising at 0.1 to 0.2 mm/yr, since 1900, the level has risen at 1–2 mm/yr, since 1992, satellite altimetry indicates a rate of about 3 mm/yr. In December 2006 some reports shows that the first island claimed by rising sea levels caused by global warming was Lohachara Island in the Sundarbans in Bay of Bengal, and we knew that the main reason of rising sea level is the increase of temperature which caused by the global warming.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

UAE and Global Warming

The last year, there was an improvement in the fields of environmental protection and wildlife management in the UAE. Many government organizations have been established over the years to study and protect wildlife. Abu Dhabi’s Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (ERWDA) have a major national role in this regard. There are also many other regional departments which have setup their own programs for wildlife protection, environmental protection and increasing public awareness. The UAE National Environmental Day established to focus the attention of government and general public on matters of environmental concern. Emirates News Agency report found that many countries including the UAE is facing a serious danger which caused by Global Warming, and stated that the most two problems are desertification and rising sea levels which could rise more than 2.89 in this century

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Individual Action

UAE considered as one of the industrial countries; therefore, the pollution is increasing. There are different types of the pollution. For instance, there is gassing pollution, etc. CO2 considered from gas pollution. UAE makes many experiments to reduce this gas, and it is still searching about this problem. It makes in every city place for factories and industrial things to make the pollution in one place, and it is far away from the people. It has reduced its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to zero by reducing energy use, buying green electricity and then offsetting the remaining CO2 emissions by investing in carbon projects. The UAE reduce the UAE's CO2 emissions by almost 40%, while increasing oil production by up to 10% and liberating large quantities of natural gas. They use standby gases instead of CO2. In addition, every factory should put filtration, or it will be fine. Finally, I want to mention that UAE grows plants and trees around the residential cities because the trees absorb CO2 for producing the nutrition. Therefore, CO2 will decrease in the UAE.

Monday, April 16, 2007

What I've learned?

I learned many things from this project that I do not know. I did not know about global warming, the causes and the effects, but now I know the definition of global warming and I also know what are the causes and the effects of global warming and how these causes can be solved. I also learned how to scan for specific information on the net and summary it then write it in my own words. I also learned how to setup a blog on the net and how to create, edit, delete and customize the blog posts and templates plus the settings.